Visit Here


The best way to decide about moving to or investing in a new destination is to visit and get a strong picture of all aspects of the region.

Indulge in the delicacies of Dunkeld, meander through yesteryear in Byaduk, or immerse yourself in the charm of Balmoral.

Or catch the feels of our other seven charming townships – all vastly different – and share in their stories.  

From volcanic plains to rivers and waterways, small batch wineries and vibrant acclaimed artworks our region is steeped in history, passion and full of unexpected discoveries.

Re-discover what is feels like to have space. And time. Re-discover what it feels like to have fresh country air filter through your lungs.  Re-discover what it feels like to truly connect with the people in the places.  Re-discover rural hospitality, that feels warm, comfortable and just like home. 

There are people to meet, places to see, and many possibilities on your next visit to Southern Grampians.