Community Engagement has now commenced for the 2025-29 Council Plan. Council and staff will visit all Southern Grampians townships over February and March to hear directly from residents to help guide Council direction for the next four years. Click here for more information on dates and locations.
In accordance with Section 306 of the Local Government Act 2020, a person who was a candidate in the election must submit an Election Campaign Donation Return to the Chief Executive Officer, within 40 days of election day.
The Return is to contain prescribed details in respect of any gifts received during the donation period by a candidate or on behalf of a candidate, to be used for or in connection with the election campaign, the amount or value of which is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold (being $500).
A candidate is not required to specify the prescribed details of an amount in a return if the amount was a gift made in privacy capacity to the candidate for their personal use and the candidate has not used or will not use the gift solely or substantially for the purpose related to the election. This also includes a gift made on behalf of the members of an unincorporated association.
Two or more gifts made by the same person to or for the benefit of the candidate are to be taken as one donation.
Election Campaign Donation returns are a matter of public record and are available on the Council website until the close of the roll for the next general election.
A person who fails to give a return or gives a return that contains particulars that are false will be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding 60 penalty units.
Election Campaign Donations 2024(PDF, 149KB)