Community Engagement has now commenced for the 2025-29 Council Plan. Council and staff will visit all Southern Grampians townships over February and March to hear directly from residents to help guide Council direction for the next four years. Click here for more information on dates and locations.
Council is encouraging pet owners to register their cats and dogs by 10 April 2025, as part of responsible pet ownership. Registration is required for all cats and dogs over three months of age under the Domestic Animals Act 1994. If you have not received your renewal notice, please contact us on 55730444. To register a new animal, follow the link below.
Section 5 Instrument of Delegation from Council to the Chief Executive Officer
S 5 Instrument of Delegation from Council to the Chief Executive Officer(PDF, 869KB)
This Delegation is very broad and outlines the powers Council has delegated to the Chief Executive Officer. This Delegation was last updated on 20 March 2023.
Section 6 Instrument of Delegation from Council to Staff
S 6 Instrument of Delegation from Council to Staff(PDF, 2MB)
The Delegation was last updated on 20 March 2023.
Section 7 Instrument of Sub-Delegation by the Chief Executive Officer to Council Staff
s7 Instrument of Delegation from CEO to Staff(PDF, 2MB)
This Delegation was last approved on 27 August 2024.
Section 11 Instruments of Appointment and Authorisation
These instruments are for officers which are required to be an Authorised Officer for a particular piece of legislation.
Council staff are appointed as Authorised Officers under section 224 of the Local Government Act 1989.
If you would like more information regarding these instruments or wish to view the instruments, please contact Council's Customer Service Centre on (03) 5573 0444.
Section 12 Instrument of Delegation by Municipal Building Surveyor
S 12 Instrument of Delegation by Municipal Building Surveyor(PDF, 740KB)
This Instrument was last approved on 9 February 2023.
Section 14 Instrument of Delegation by the Chief Executive Officer for VicSmart Applications under the Planning and Environment Act 1987
S 14 Instrument of Delegation by the Chief Executive Officer for VicSmart Applications under the Planning and Environment Act 1987(PDF, 286KB)
This Delegation was last approved on 13 January 2023.
Section 15 Instruments of Appointment and Authorisation
These instruments are for officers which are required to be an Authorised Officer for the Freedom of Information Act.
s15 Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation of Council's Freedom of Information Officer(PDF, 780KB)
This instrument was last approved on 4 April 2019.