Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) gives people the right to access documents held by Victorian government agencies.

The FOI Act has four main functions:

1. To provide a general right of access to documents.
2. To enable individuals to amend incorrect documents about them held by government.
3. To provide rights appeal in relation to the previous two functions.
4. To require agencies to publish certain details about themselves and their functions.

For more information on the FOI Act and procedures see Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

How to make a FOI request

All requests for access to Council documents under the FOI Act must be made via the online form below, accompanied by the application fee and provide such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the documents to be identified. Before making an FOI request it is recommended that you speak with Council’s Freedom of Information Officer on (03) 5573 0425 or via email at

Requests must be for specific documents or a defined group of documents. Your request must include key details, such as a date-range for the documents you seek access to. Your request will be interpreted literally, so avoid phrases such as “all documents relating to” because it may result in you being charged for, and receiving, documents which you were not after. If your request is not clear, clarification will be sought by Council.

Freedom of Information Application Form


Documents available outside of FOI

The Freedom of Information Part II Statement(PDF, 537KB)  provides a snapshot of our powers and functions, the documents and information we keep and the ways you can access them. Providing easily accessible information reduces the need to submit FOI requests under the Act.

If you cannot locate the information you are seeking after reviewing the Part II Statement and conducting a search on our website we encourage you to contact Council's FOI Officer via email before making a formal FOI request. In some instances we will be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without going through a formal process.

Some documents are available outside the FOI Act:

  • Documents which contain information that is open to public access, as part of a public register or otherwise, in accordance with another enactment, where that access is subject to a fee or other charge
  • Documents which contain information that is available for purchase by the public
  • Documents that are available for public inspection in the Public Record Office of Victoria
  • Documents which are sorted for preservation or safe custody in the Public Record Office Victoria

Document Exemptions

Not all documents requested will be able to be provided. Documents may be exempt under the FOI Act. Common exemptions are:

  • Internal working documents
  • Law enforcement documents
  • Documents attracting legal professional privilege, such as legal advice
  • Documents affecting personal privacy
  • Material obtained in confidence (but not business, commercial or financial information)
  • Documents relating to trade secrets (both of Council and external entities)

Request changes to your own information

All requests to correct you own personal information held by Council must be in writing and specify how the information is incorrect.

No charges apply to request a correction of your own personal information.