Round Two Community Partnership Grants Opening Soon

Published on 17 December 2024


Southern Grampians Shire Council is pleased to announce round two of the Community Partnership Grants will open early in the new year.


Community Partnership Grants are designed to support new or expanding initiatives, projects or events that contribute to the development of vibrant, inclusive, and resilient communities across the Shire.


By helping to fund projects that enhance community life, Council aims to foster collaboration and create lasting benefits for residents.


Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor Dennis Heslin said Council have seen some fantastic initiatives come to life through round one of the 2024/25 Community Grants Program.


“Branxholme Wallacedale Football Netball Club received a grant for $10,200.00 for the upgrade of its kitchen facilities, Coleraine RSL Sub Branch received funding of $11,000.00 for the upgrade of the RSL disabled toilet and Hamilton View Club received funding of $2.500.00 for a laptop and Banner, to name a few. In all 28 community groups were awarded funding through round one.


“The Community Partnership Grants play a vital role in helping bring local ideas to fruition and strengthen the connections that make our community unique.


“Round two of the program will help provide financial assistance for a wide range of projects, including arts and culture, community strengthening, heritage and infrastructure and more.


“We encourage all eligible community groups to start thinking about any projects this program could help with. With access of up to $15,000 per financial year for initiatives, events and projects that directly benefit the Southern Grampians community, we are really looking forward to seeing what round two brings us, “concluded Cr Heslin.


Council’s Community Development Team will again host drop-in sessions at the Greater Hamilton Library to assist groups ready their applications. Additionally, Council will visit outer townships via the towns roadshow to ensure all groups have access to guidance and assistance throughout the process.


Community Development Officers will be available to answer any questions, help simplify the application process and provide advice to ensure your project has the best chance of success.


Applications for round two of the 2024/25 Community Grants Program will open on Monday 13 January 2025 at 9:00am and close Monday 17 February 2025 at 4:00pm.


Start thinking about how this program could support your upcoming projects and keep an eye out for more information and updates as we move into the new year. 


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