Have Your Say


Council regularly consults with the community on matters across a wide range of subjects.

Your feedback is critical to help shape the ongoing development and improvement of our shire.

Here are the latest community feedback opportunities:

Draft EV Charging Policy

The draft policy will address the coordinated roll-out of future EV charging infrastructure across the Shire to support the transition to zero emissions vehicles.  

The policy will help guide Council on the installation of EV charging infrastructure on Council-owned or managed land. 

Please view the draft policy here.(PDF, 122KB)

Charging infrastructure locations must consider the following: 

  • Proximity to shopping areas that enables patronage to local businesses during short stay charging. 
  • Destinations where people visit for relatively longer charging durations.  
  • Areas close to community activities and facilities.  
  • Priority locations where future EV demand is expected to be high with minimal impact on parking needs. Impact on streetscape, amenity and public open space is minimised.  
  • Installation of a range of slow, medium and fast EV chargers to cater for different charging needs.  
  • EV charging locations will be listed on Council’s website and through external channels where appropriate.  
  • Land Manager Consent and licence Agreement process applies where relevant.  
  • A public interest test assessing the proposal’s community/commercial benefit, project costs and associated risks.  
  • In the absence of Australian Standards mandating a single connector standard, Council encourages EV chargers that prioritise compatibility with EVs in the public market. Where possible, Council favours Combined Charging System with capability for both Alternating Current and Direct Current charging. 

EV charging infrastructure proposals must also ensure consultation with utilities and the community in particular neighbouring residents and businesses prior to installation. 

*Submissions can be made by Monday 15 July 2024.

Submit your feedback here

Sustainability Strategy 2024-2041

The Southern Grampians Shire Council Sustainability Strategy 2024-2041 will be a key strategic document that council will implement over the coming decade and beyond.

This document will shape the way both council and the community transition to our shared vision for a sustainable future.

We would like the community to help us to create the strategy via two methods:

1. Provide feedback on this Sustainability-Strategy-2024-2041-Discussion-Paper(PDF, 11MB) before March 30, 2024. You can email sustainability@sthgrampians.vic.gov.au before March 31, 2024.

2. Complete this survey before March 31, 2024.

The feedback collected will be incorporated into the creation of the Sustainability Strategy. Once developed the draft strategy will be advertised for community consultation before it is presented to councillors for final adoption.

Council will also be delivering a series of pop-up engagement sessions across the Shire over the coming months, sessions to be announced shortly.

Hamilton CBD Streetscape Revitalisation Project

The Hamilton CBD Streetscape Revitalisation Project is set to transform the heart of our city, focusing on CBD streets between Kennedy and Cox and French and Lonsdale streets.

This ambitious project aims to enhance the streets and public spaces, benefiting residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

The initiative stems from the Hamilton Structure Plan, prepared for the Council in 2012, and the Hamilton CBD Masterplan in 2020. It aligns with other significant projects like the New Hamilton Gallery and the Community and Government Hub Build, creating a comprehensive vision for a vibrant and thriving CBD.

To ensure this project reflects the desires and aspirations of our community, we invite your active participation. If you have seen amazing street furniture, captivating public art, or engaging street activations during your travels across the country, we encourage you to share your discoveries with us.

To contribute your ideas, comments, and images, and to votes on the ideas of others, simply visit our Social Pinpoint platform.

Together, we can co-create a revitalised CBD that reflects our collective vision for our community!