Notice of Intention to sell surplus Council-owned Properties

Published on 09 May 2024


Southern Grampians Shire Council approved at last night’s ordinary Council meeting to advertise the notice of intention to sell six properties identified as surplus to Council requirements.

Under Section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council must give public notice by advertising for a minimum of 28 days the intention to sell each of the six properties. Council will consider Community feedback received through this process prior to making a final sale decision.

Locations of surplus properties include:

  • 54-56 Kenna Avenue, Hamilton
  • 5 Dunbar Court, Hamilton
  • 76-80 Recreation Road, Dunkeld
  • 63 Gordon Street, Hamilton
  • 118 McLeod Street, Coleraine
  • Cox Street, Penshurst

These six properties have been identified as having no foreseeable future Council use, with four considered as suitable for residential development.

Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor David Robertson said Council understands vacant lots within residential areas are highly sought after and are much needed to help relieve available housing pressure.

“We know that Southern Grampians currently lacks available housing,” said Cr Roberston. “While Council is actively working on addressing this shortfall in key worker housing around Lake Hamilton, we also have a small number of vacant and unused lots that would be better repurposed by future homeowners.

“These properties have been identified within Council’s Property Register as surplus to our needs.

“Selling these six properties will also result in saving just under $10,000 associated with annual mowing and land maintenance and will, in future, add to revenue through rates collection which can be better spent on servicing our community.

“Feedback will be considered prior to making a final decision to sell so please jump online and share your thoughts or write to us,” concluded Cr Robertson.

Residents are invited to share their comments online via the Have Your Say page on Council website or in writing by 8 June 2024 to:

Tony Doyle
CEO, Southern Grampians Shire Council
111 Brown Street, Hamilton
VIC 3300

For more information, please contact Council’s Property Officer on 5573 0444. 

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