

Council works with the community to enhance and create a more sustainable environment for now and the future.

Impacts are being minimised through the use of good environmental practices, community activities and various environmental partnerships.

Climate Change

Climate change is a critical and ongoing issue for the global community and is of great significance to local councils who are responsible for providing key services to communities including the management of natural and man-made resources.

Council is focused on reducing its own greenhouse gas emissions as well as planning for adaptation to climate change. 

Climate Adaption Plan 2017-2027(PDF, 1MB)

We have conducted energy audits of major facilities in order to make energy efficiency improvements and we have introduced a Sustainable Vehicles policy, which ensures our transport fleet is fuel efficient.

We monitor our Carbon Footprint with detailed analysis of our major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, including waste disposal, electricity, street lighting, transport and stationary fuels.

Recent actions to reduce our emissions:

  • Installation of a solar PV system and energy efficiency lights at the Hamilton Visitor Information Centre
  • Replacement of halogen lighting with LED at the Hamilton library and incandescent lighting with LED at the Hamilton Gallery
  • Replacement of electric hot water system with solar at Penshurst Caravan Park
  • Replacement of 6 cylinder fleet vehicles with 4 cylinder and more diesel vehicles
  • Installation of motion sensors for lighting in various Council buildings
  • Introduction of a bicycle for Council staff to reduce motor vehicle use
  • Replacement of 1000 80 watt mercury vapour street lights with LED alternatives
  • Installation of 30 kw solar systems at HILAC and the Hamilton Art Gallery
  • Introduction of an organic waste service for households in Hamilton and Tarrington to reduce methane emissions from landfill

Integrated Water Management

Integrated Water Management (IWM) is a collaborative approach to water planning that brings together organisations that influence all aspects of the water cycle.

 Council is a member of the Great South Coast IWM Forum, in the Wannon Water supply area. The IWM Forum has expanded on established collaboration between DELWP, Wannon Water, the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA), Southern Rural Water and Councils to set priorities and deliver IWM in the region, to improve resilience of the region’s environment, culture and economy.

The expected future impacts of climate change are an important driver for the IWM program as we anticipate more heat waves, less overall rainfall but increased heavy rain events and more evaporation hence less runoff, which will impact water storages.

The Hamilton Integrated Water Management Plan(PDF, 5MB) was developed in 2019-20. With community and agency input the plan identified a number of key water-related actions for Council and other stakeholders to implement in the Hamilton urban area.

IWM Summary Document(PDF, 267KB)

Native Vegetation

Our region is predominantly pastoral land, a mix of indigenous native grasslands and introduced pastures.

In the State of Victoria there are regulations governing the removal of native vegetation, and a permit is usually required from Council before any native vegetation (including standing dead trees) can be removed.

Here are some handy hints and tips for enhancing native vegetation:

  • Volunteer for your local Landcare group to help protect and look after your area
  • Plant native species in your garden and on your land
  • Remove and discard weed species into your green waste bin or set up a composting system
  • Don’t dump garden waste in bushland or pastoral land
  • Don't remove rocks from natural areas (these provide habitat for fauna and flora)


Council is committed to maintaining the health of our environment and our quality of life.

As well as reducing energy, water and resource use across its own operations, we also provides advice, information and assistance to residents and businesses to enable them to operate more sustainably.

We are also responsible for providing support services necessary to maintain public health and environmental standards, including education, prevention, regulation and promotion of health and environmental awareness.

Southern Grampians Shire Council is proud of its Sustainability Strategy 2010-2020, which helps guide the Council's actions in pursuing environmental sustainability, while providing for action across the key areas of land, water, waste, liveability and climate change.

For further information on the Southern Grampians Shire Sustainability Strategy please contact Council’s Sustainability Coordinator.

Contact Details 

Biodiversity Officer
1 Market Place
Hamilton Vic 3300
Phone (03) 5573 0444
Email: planning@sthgrampians.vic.gov.au