Responsible Pet Ownership


Cats and dogs have significant social and health benefits for their owners. Pets teach responsibility to children, give love, comfort and companionship to their owners and provide security, particularly for older people and those who live alone.

Southern Grampians Shire Council is committed to encouraging responsible pet ownership to benefit the whole community, as well as the welfare of the pets. Below are some hints to help you get the most out of your pets:


  • Implement early behavioural training of your dog to influence traits such as: Noise reduction (reduce potential of unwarranted barking); Reinforcing your dog's territorial boundaries; Increasing your dog's socialisation skills to reduce potential acts of aggression
  • Exercise daily: Your dog should be exercised for at least half an hour per day. In most cases this can best be achieved by taking your dog for a walk on a lead
  • Restrain your dog from roaming free outside of the safety of your property
  • Ensure adequate secure perimeter fencing surrounds your property to keep your dog in
  • Clean up after your pet has toilet breaks within your property and in public places


  • Keep cats secured in catteries
  • Contain cats, particularly at night, in order to restrict roaming outside its place of residence which can lead to potential nuisance complaints being lodged with Council
  • House training - placement of kitty litter, and provision of readily available food sources, including water
  • Cats should wear a collar with name, address where it resides and the owner's contact number
  • Cats should have a bell attached to their collar to assist in reducing predation of birdlife