Acting on your permit
Once a planning permit is issued, it is your responsibility to make sure that the land use or development is consistent with the permit conditions, and that the permit is acted upon within the permitted timeframe.
Applying for a building permit
Now that you have a planning permit, you may need to apply for a building permit.
Please visit our Building Services Page more information about this process.
Amending a current permit
If you would like to make changes to your current planning permit (such as changes to any of the permit conditions or substantial changes to your endorsed plans, you can apply to the council to request an Amendment to the Permit under Section 72 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. An application to amend a planning permit is similar to the original application process and allows your application to be re-assessed, and if required, re-referred and re-advertised.
You can lodge amendments to your application via our Online Planning & Building Portal.
You will need the following to lodge your amendment:
- Full set of plans (at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200) with the proposed amendments clearly highlighted
- An electronic version of all plans, in PDF form
- A full copy of Certificate of Title including any restrictions and plan of subdivision (less than three months old) for the subject site
- Updated reports, if applicable
- Relevant Fee
Note: All changes to the original permit and endorsed plans should be clearly indicated.
Plans are not required if amending the permit description or permit conditions only. You must identify the permit conditions that you are requesting to amend and provide a written explanation of the proposed changes, with detail of the proposed wording of the amended permit conditions.
Secondary Consent Amendments
A Secondary Consent Amendment is often the most suitable way of assessing minor modifications required to endorse plans.
Under normal circumstances, planning permits contain the condition:
The development as shown on the endorsed plan must not be altered or modified without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.
If your planning permit contains a condition similar to the above, then you may be able to apply for an amendment under secondary consent, provided the proposed changes are minor in nature.
There is also no provision for notification or advertising of your amendment under secondary consent provisions. If it is considered that the proposed amendment to your plans would result in any amenity impacts, you will be required to apply for an amendment under Section 72 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act).
In order to qualify for a Secondary Consent Amendment Application, the proposed minor changes must comply with the following requirements:
- You cannot alter or delete any condition or pre-amble of a planning permit under secondary consent provisions
- The proposal must not result in a transformation of the proposal
- The proposal must not authorise something for which primary consent is required under the planning scheme
- The proposed changes must be of no consequence having regard to the purpose of the planning control under which the permit was granted
- The proposed changes must not be contrary to a specific requirement (or condition of the permit) as distinct from an authorisation within the permit, which itself cannot be altered by consent.
If your proposed modification does not meet any of the above requirements, you will be required to apply for an Application to Amend a Planning Permit pursuant to Section 72 of the Act.
How do I apply for a Secondary Consent Amendment?
You can make an application for an amendment under secondary consent provisions via Greenlight.
The following information will be required:
- Full set of plans (at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200) with the proposed amendments clearly highlighted
- An electronic version of all plans, in PDF form
- A full copy of Certificate of Title including any restrictions and plan of subdivision (less than three months old) for the subject site
- Relevant Fee
Note: All changes to the original permit and endorsed plans should be clearly indicated.
Please contact the council’s Planning Team to discuss your request in further detail.