Nuisance & Noise


If you would like to lodge a nuisance or noise complaint with our Environmental Health Department, please follow the steps below:

Nuisance complaint

Before making a noise, dust, smell, smoke or other nuisance complaint to Council first discuss any issues with your neighbour or the person responsible about your observations. On many occasions, a person may not even know they are causing a nuisance.

Free mediation service are available that can be of assistance in resolving neighbourhood nuisance issues. The Dispute Settlement Centre may be of assistance.

You can lodge a nuisance complaint by completing a nuisance log detailing your grievance. Your nuisance log, which will support our investigation, must be completed over a minimum of two weeks before being sent to Council. 

Noise complaint

If you would like to lodge a noise complaint, we recommend you complete a noise diary for a minimum of two weeks.
This will allow you to log your noise nuisance issues, which will provide us with evidence to help with the disturbances you are experiencing.

This noise diary will also give us a greater level of understanding and validity of the noise issues you are facing. Your noise diary must be completed over a minimum of two weeks before being sent to the Council.

Once you have completed your nuisance or noise diary, you may lodge your complaint to our Environmental Health Department by calling (03) 5573 0256. Or simply submit your complaint in writing.

Other complaints

Depending on the nature of your complaint, you may need to contact the appropriate organisation directly. Here are some examples of such grievances:

Complaint Suggested Organisation to Contact
Individual noise For after-hours noise complaints (eg. parties), please contact your local Police Station
Ongoing industrial or commercial related noise Please contact the EPA Regional Office on (03) 5226 4825
Noise in relation to licenced venues Please contact Liquor Licencing Victoria on 1300 650 367, or the Liquor Licencing Inspector at your local Police Station
Ongoing domestic noise Please contact the Council's Environmental Health Department on (03) 5573 0256
Spraydrift issues Please contact the Council's Environmental Health Department on (03) 5573 0256
Spraydrift issues relating to work/farming practices Please contact the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) on 136 186
Air Pollution in residential areas For ongoing issues relating to smoking, chimneys, odours, dust or other air pollutions in your residential area, please contact the Council's Environmental Health Department on (03) 5573 0256
Sewage overflows and blockages For reticulated sewerage system, please contact Wannon Water on 1300 926 666