

Because of laws controlling tobacco use in Victoria we can now enjoy a smoke-free environment while eating out, shopping centres are smoke free, smoking in gaming venues and licensed premises is restricted, and smoking within the vicinity of children's playgrounds, preschools and kindergartens, schools and hospital entrances is also prohibited.

Tobacco laws also means large fines for selling cigarettes to children and tougher penalties for retailers of illegal tobacco.

All these laws have been put in place to help keep the Victorian community free from tobacco-related illnesses. Council’s Environmental Health Department is responsible for ensuring all premises within Southern Grampians Shire are compliant with the relevant tobacco laws for their businesses.

Council’s Environmental Health Department is working with businesses, community groups and event organisers to assist them in understanding the smoking and tobacco restrictions. No Smoking’ signage and tobacco information can be obtained by contacting the Environmental Health Department.

Tobacco laws for businesses

There are different regulations that apply to different business types:


Licenced premises and gaming venues

  • Smoking is prohibited in All outdoor dining areas where meals are for consumption, as of 1 August 2017
  • Prescribed 'No Smoking' signs must be displayed on entering and within the smoke free area, room or venue
  • A manager/proprietor is liable when an employee or agent sells tobacco to a minor and documented training is required and repeated every six months

Eating establishments including cafes, restaurants and dining rooms

  • Smoking is prohibited in All outdoor dining areas where meals are for consumption, as of 1 August 2017
  • Enclosed dining areas, including those of hotels and clubs, must be smoke free at all times
  • 'No Smoking' signs must be displayed in all dining areas

Tobacco retailers

  • The display of tobacco products is banned except for specialist tobacconists who were certified prior to 1 April 2014
  • The ban also applies to vending machines
  • Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, and loose tobacco
  • Specific warning signs must be displayed at the point of sale

Vending machines

  • It is illegal to sell tobacco to people under the age of 18, so vending machines must be monitored and supervised by staff at all times
  • Vending machines are only allowed in licensed premises in direct sight and within five metres of staff, gaming venues or casinos in sight of a service counter, and in liquor shops adjacent to the service counter
  • Vending machines must display specific warning signs on or near the machine

Enclosed workplaces

  • 'Workplace' means any premises or area where one or more employees or self-employed persons work, whether or not they receive payment for that work, and include premises such as workshops, offices or areas such as enclosed car parks
  • Everyone who works or visits a workplace is required to abide by the smoking ban including employers, employees, volunteers and customers

For further information about the current laws please visit or contact Council’s Environmental Health Department for a brochure Selling Tobacco - Learn The New Laws.