Transfer Stations


Council operates the following transfer stations in the Southern Grampians Shire.

Transfer Station Addresses

Location Address Directions
Balmoral 55 Horsham Road East side 50m south of Harrow-Balmoral


92 Branxholme-Byaduk Road

South side 1km east of Henty Highway. Past Charles Street


2478 Henty Highway

East side 1km south of Cavendish


42 Robertson Street

North east corner, Robertson St & Church St intersection


7 Bellicourt Road

West side 1.5km south of Recreation Street


Boundary Road

Off Maroona-Glenthompson Road, 2km north of Glenthompson


Elijah Street

West side 200m south of Henderson Street


5408 Hamilton Highway

North East side 3km towards Caramut


Waste Accepted at the Transfer Stations

Material Accepted?
Liquid waste No
Hazardous materials No
Empty dry paint tins Yes - place in scrap metal pile
Tins of paint No - take these to the nearest PaintBack site at Statewide Waste Pty Ltd, 355 Koroit St, Warrnambool.
Gas bottles (propane) No
Batteries (domestic <1kg) No - take these to the collection bin at Aldi Supermarkets.
Lead-acid machinery batteries Yes
Motor Oil Only collected where bulk container is provided - Balmoral, Cavendish, Coleraine, and Hamilton
Farm Chemicals No - contact ChemClear to arrange registration and collection
Mattresses Yes - (All Southern Grampians Transfer Stations). Metal mattress springs can be dropped off free of charge at any Transfer Station.
Tyres Yes - fees apply
Whitegoods Yes - fee will apply unless fridge/freezer has a degas certification
Electronic waste (E-waste) such as TVs, computers, printers, household appliances, electric hand tools, toys. Yes - fees may apply
Furniture Good condition households items may be received at the Hamilton re-use shop
Clothing and textiles If in good condition these can be placed in the yellow collection bin at the Hamilton Reuse Shop or your local Op Shop.
Untreated timber Yes. Fees apply.
CCA treated timber (eg. green pine posts) This must be sent to landfill - fees will apply.
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Place in landfill - fees will apply.
Hard plastic Place in landfill - fees will apply.
Silage Wrap Place in landfill. The Plasback recycling scheme is no longer in operation.
DrumMuster chemical drums Yes - all sites
Scrap steel Yes
Concrete - Yes - Hamilton - Fees Apply

Waste oil containers - Yes - All - Fees Apply


Transfer Station Opening Hours

**Please note: All Transfer Stations are closed on public holidays. This includes Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day public holidays.
