Business Premises


Council’s Environmental Health Department manages the registration and transfer of food and prescribed accommodation, hair and beauty-related businesses.

If you are planning on conducting a food, hairdressing, beauty treatment, electrolysis, ear and body piercing, colonic irrigation, tattooing or prescribed accommodation business you are required to be registered under either the Food Act 1984 of Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

The first step is to fill out this Food, Health, Accommodation and/or Aquatic Facilities Registration Application.

For all other business set-up guidance, please contact our Business Support Team.

Registering a new Food Premise

Apply to start a food business

To operate a food business in Southern Grampians Shire the first step is to submit an Application for Notify / Registration of a Food Premises.

Applications are held to account by regulations in the Food Act 1984, to ensure the safe sale of food to the public.

There are numerous factors that come into consideration when granting a registration to sell food, some of which include the type of food being sold, the premises used, the facilities available and access to utilities.

Further information about establishing a food business and where your food business would fit in the classification system, as well what you need to do to set up a temporary food operation is available on Victorian Department of Health website.

Food Business Classification

There are five classes of food premises – Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 3A and Class 4. This classification system ensures that the regulatory requirements are matched appropriately to the level of food safety risk associated undertaken at the respective premises.

Refer to the below food premises classification factsheet for further information:

Food Premises Type

Temporary and Mobile Food Premises

If you operate a food van, food stall, food vending machines or a drinking water carting business you can register or notify council, renew your registration, and lodge statements of trade online through Foodtrader. This is a single state-wide registration and notification scheme for temporary and mobile food premises and makes it easier for food businesses and community groups as they no longer require multiple registrations to operate in different council districts.

Foodtrader Statement of Trade (SOT) require to be submitted 5 days prior to trading.
If you are unable to access Foodtrader, contact Council's Environmental Health Department

For more information on operating food truck, van, market stall or BBQ stall or water carter go to the Victorian Department of Health website. 

If you are a community group or not-for profit body and you want to sell food at an event or function or sell food at a fundraiser then you will need to follow the Food Safety Obligations. You can find all the information you need in Temporary Food Premises Guidelines(PDF, 1MB)  and  at Victorian Department of Health of Health website.

Home Business

If you are planning on preparing food from home for sale to the public, it is important to put food safety first. The Food Act 1984 requires anyone who sells food, including the use of private dwellings to prepare the food, to be registered with Council. The food safety laws require that the layout of private dwellings minimise opportunities for food contamination. You must ensure that the food fixtures, fittings, equipment and transport vehicles can be cleaned or sanitised if needed. You must also ensure that the private dwelling is provided with the necessary services of water, waste disposal, light, ventilation, cleaning and personal hygiene facilities, storage space and access to toilets.

You can book a consultation with Council's Planning Department to determine whether a planning permit is required on (03) 5573 0256 or email Also refer to the Home Occupation provisions under the planning Scheme which are available online.

Food Safety and Inspections

Council's Role in Food Safety

Council is committed to achieving a safe, health and active community through preventative approach to food safety and public health.

The Food Act 1984 sets out the regulatory requirements for the sale of food in Victoria.

The Act ensures:

  • Food for sale is both safe and suitable for humans to eat
  • All types of food businesses (fixed, home based, temporary and/or mobile) are registered with Council so they are regularly
  • Staff are trained and food safety programs implemented.
  • The Food Standards Code in Victoria is applied to all food sales.

Council helps food businesses identify the areas where things can go wrong and provides guidance on what is required to prevent food from becoming unsafe or unsuitable.

Environmental Health Officers

Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) are responsible for implementing the Food Act 1984 through registration, monitoring and education.

Council's EHO's

  • Manage the registration and renewal of registration / notification of food premises.
  • Help new food business owners and community groups understand the food safety requirements for their business.
  • Undertake food safety inspections and risk assessments of food businesses and community groups who sell food.
  • Have food samples analysed to check compliance with food standards and labelling requirements.
  • Investigate complaints of food safety risks or food poisoning.
  • Provide food safety education across the community.

Food Safety Assessments and Inspections

For the benefit food businesses and consumers, Council's Environmental Health Department undertakes annual food safety assessments and regular inspections of all food premises within the Shire.

During assessments and inspections many aspects of the business are assessed, including the cleanliness of the kitchen area, food handler hygiene, food integrity and food handling techniques. Further information is available in Council's Food Safety Risk Assessment Guide.

Food premises are also assessed to ensure that they prepare safe food and comply with the current Food Safety Standards. Copies of these standards can be found on the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) website.

Food Safety Supervisors

All food business owners in Victoria must ensure their staff members have the skills and knowledge required to safely handle food in their roles. Many food businesses will need to nominate a Food Safety Supervisor to make sure of this. Visit the Department of Health for for further information regarding Food Safety Supervisor, food safety training skills and knowledge.

Food Safety Program

In Victoria, all class 1 and some class 2 food premises need a food safety program.

A food safety program is a written plan that shows what a business does to ensure that the food it sells is safe for people to eat. It is an important tool to help businesses handle, process or sell potentially hazardous foods. This is necessary to maintain safe food handling practices and protect public health.

Some food businesses may use a registered template, and some may use an independent, audited program. Most businesses choose to use the department-developed food safety program template for class 2 retail and food service businesses such as Foodsmart. For further information visit Victorian Department of Health website.

Accommodation and Caravan Parks

Council’s Environmental Health Department inspect prescribed accommodation premises and caravan parks to ensure premises are hygienic, maintained and in a good state of repair.

Prescribed accommodation businesses must be registered with Council and comply with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act (2008) by completing Prescribed Accommodation application form.

Prescribed accommodation businesses include:

  • Hotels
  • Motels
  • B&Bs
  • Hostels
  • Student Dormitories
  • Holiday Camps
  • Rooming Houses
  • Residential Accommodation

Caravan parks must be registered with Council by completing Caravan Park Registration application form and comply with the and the Residential Tenancies Act (1997 and Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulation 2024.



Accommodation Premises serving Food

We can provide information on how to prevent the consumption of contaminated food and drink, ensure safe food is sold by administering the requirements of the Food Act 1984 and give advice and training for food businesses and community.

Taking over Accommodation Premises

An inspection is required to ensure that you are aware of any outstanding orders or requirements placed on the business prior to settlement.